Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lifeliner news.............and kudos to those that helped me get here

OK, if you are new to my blog you won't really understand the title of this post nor will you get why this is big news. My advice is to just read my very first post and hopefully that will not only explain what this particular blog is about but inspire you to conquer your dreams and hopefully if you need help either myself or somebody reading will be able to assist you. Feel free to post your dreams and any help you may need to obtain your dreams on here. This is for all of us sideliners (again need to read post one to get what this means) to become life long lifeliner.

To my news: I was accepted to a gallery in Huntington this past February. It was very exciting and I was beyond thrilled to have two of my pictures displayed. (Thank you Dad, Mom, Bill, Kevin, Nicole, Keri, Denise, Melanie, Joanie, Norma, Maryann and Julie for going to check it out), you ROCK. It was an artists choice and basically that is just an established artist picks a new artist and their work gets displayed. I felt they were charging too much for my pictures but I didn't care, the fact that they selected me and hung one up on the wall and put one in a bin was so exciting. I was one of only two artists that were invited to use more than one object so that was real exciting.

My news is that one or some (not sure yet) of my pictures I have taken over the years were selected to be in a book on Long Island. The manager of the gallery that I was in gave my name to a woman writing a book and she contacted me and from what I was just told by the gallery manager I am going to be in the book. It won't be out for at least a year (maybe longer) and I have no idea what I am getting out of it just yet. I had to share this with my 5 followers because you will understand why this is so exciting for me and I have you all to thank. I started out as I have written before Super Bowl Sunday a year ago this past January and went from just dreaming about stuff to having it actually happen for me. I didn't get here alone, this I know. My family, Denise and Melanie have pushed me and pushed me hard and I am grateful for their support but it was also putting it on here that helped. As I have said I cannot preach to other sideliners to go for it if I am not listening to those pushing me. My kids and Denise have modeled for me, something that is much harder than it sounds. Especially for Denise, this is not something she is comfortable with but did it anyway and did it for me. Thanks Denise. My girls have modeled more times then I can tell you and believe me they are put through odd modeling shoots with weird make up (Denise had to endure that too one shoot) and it takes a lot of time. So I have to thank them so much for helping me out on that. Mel, you always push me to do things, you believe in me and that means the world to me. So thanks to them and thanks to you for reading so that I am accountable.

I am working on a few book ideas I(one with Denise), one with my girls and one by myself. Not sure if any of these will actually be written and if they are what we will do with them but that is what this whole blog is about. Doing it, whatever it is. Denise, Nicole and Keri will also now being doing something important to them and I am so proud of them for signing on to their own lifeliner moment.

I hope this news will inspire you, the reader, to your own lifeliner moment, if it does, please share either on here or on my FB in a message. I love hearing all the accomplishments you have been making.

Thanks again everyone, I am blessed to have you all in my life. xoxo