Friday, April 9, 2010

I didn't fall....I was pushed off the wagon

I know I posted that I wasn't going to hold grudges, etc, blah, blah, blah but I was weak at that moment and forgot how much my family annoys me. So a little note to my family........

Dear Family,

HELLO does anyone but me see the freaking laundry baskets in the freaking (no that isn't the word I really mean) hallway??? They are the ones in front of your bedroom doors with all the clean clothes in them. Kudo's to Kevin for bringing them up one flight after I did the other 2 and my mother helped me fold it.

I know you see it as you have all been digging through it for clothes to wear and now the nicely folded clothes are a mess. While I'm at it how about picking up the dirty ones in your room and would you all please stop putting that one dish in the sink right after I finished cleaning the kitchen!!!

This may sound like well at least they put it in the sink, but NOOOOO it sat in their rooms for God knows how long and when they heard the water running thought oh good if I sneak this one in maybe she will wash this one too and not realize it was in my room. Yeah I noticed the science project growing in your room but was too disgusted to attempt to touch it.

Oh and one more thing dear ones, STOP, I repeat, STOP putting empty containers back into the refrigerator!!!!!!!! Throw the thing away and yes we do have stuff to eat, you just don't like it (this week). Let me not forget the garbage no matter what Hefty says there really is only so much that can fit in one bag, so please stop playing hang on Harvey with the trash and replace the bag when it's full. Now to all you mother's out there laughing saying is she kidding me, does she really think this will happen? Of course I don't but in keeping with my new positive attitude in order not to go postal on them this weekend, I'm simply posting my grievances as stated in my last blog (if you don't say what bothers you, it cannot change and you should allow the person/people the opportunity to rectify their wrong doing). No this isn't news to them but the I'm sorry the baskets of laundry is where I am taking my stand, they will stay there for the rest of my life and the clothes being worn from them will NEVER do you hear me NEVER get washed again.

Oh and Cali, my dog and faithful companion, would you please get out of my way. Yes that includes when I get out of the shower and you insist on sitting in front of the door and blocking my path; only to be followed up by racing me to the basement door and down the stairs so I can bring my dirty clothes; actually every time I use any stairs please stop waiting for me to get halfway down so you can now have this burst of energy knock me out of you way so you can win the race; the middle of the night when I am getting up to pee, which happens every few minutes so you would think you would know by now to move and finally stop nugging me that big wet nose of yours when I finally do fall asleep to remind me that you are still there or to be pet. I know you are there I kill myself trying to climb over to go to the bathroom, REMEMBER.

Have a wonderful sunshine day!

Your loving,

Wife (Bill) and Mother (the rest of you)

OK, trying to catch the wagon so I can jump back on but it is gaining momentum away from me and these old legs don't run that fast. I will try though after all I put it out there no more grudges and the forgiveness tool is in the belt. I can't find the belt right now because I threw it out the window on my blinding anger but calm now and I will go look for it.

Carry on

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