Monday, August 15, 2011

Dash, Dots and the mystery of whats ahead

Hello my little cherubs (OK, Mom)

Its been a little while since I have posted anything but have wonderful lifeliner news that needed to be told. No, not my news but honestly I couldn't be more excited if it were. My friend entered something so outside her comfort zone I don't believe there is even an expression I can use to describe it. She, her sister, brother in law and nephew all entered, ran an conquered the warrior dash. For those of you who may not know what this is, let me explain a little bit to you. You start out running up a 3 mile ski hill, yes that is the start, then you begin obstacles courses such as going through swampy water over logs, rope walls, tire run onto old car wrecks, jump over fire, rope bridge and end the race through a mud pit that has barb-wire going over the top of it. So yes cherubs you have to swim in it. It is the sickest thing, extremely difficult and they all did it. You may be thinking they are nuts, to be honest, I did too and told her so but I have to say watching her do this didn't leaving me feeling they were nuts, it left me feeling impressed and envious. Look I'm too much of a dare I say girly, girl to go all out and swim through that water but I was so impressed. Talk about taking life by the balls and going for something. That is lifelining to the 100 power, no to the infinite power. Maybe you have to see it and to understand but I was there and I do understand.

Those are the moments I keep writing about, the things you desire deep down but don't say because you fear what people will say or worse that you just can't do it. Well, damn who the hell would have thought a year ago that this particular friend would be doing a warrior dash and kicking its warrior dash ass, I might add. had she not just bit the bullet, said it out loud and signed up she would still be wondering what if? Guess what kids, there is no what if here, there is a pride in the knowledge of doing it and being successful. It didn't matter if she finished, did one obstacle or just walked up the first hill, the winning was in the putting herself out there. Of course she did finish and she did do every single part of the race and she will now have that forever. What is even more exciting is the fact that there is more in store for this friend, although I am going to save that for another post. Congrats dear friend, I'm so proud of you!!

Not to take away from this wonderful achievement for my friend but I have to say it did make me realize that my life has been reduced to dots much like those in the coloring books we knew as children. I start out thinking nothing has changed and I can take on the world and then I start to move and realize I can no longer do the things I once did. Yeah, I know who can, right? It's a bit different for me and not sure how much I am ready to write about just yet but the mystery of whats a head for me is a bit scary. Things that recently were easy to do are becoming more difficult with each day and it pisses me off. I can no longer just go to a movie, too hard to sit there that long, take my pictures, camera is too heavy and I hate the enemy (aka tri pod). Yeah, yeah I know it takes a better picture when you use it but I like the feel of the camera and holding it the way I want to. I don't like restrictions, never have. Anyway, getting way too deep here, just trying to say no matter what you are up against, you need to find the warrior in you and keep going. I am not going to let this BS piece of shit tell me what I can and cannot do, I am going to keep going and keep trying. In the meantime I may have to give into using the enemy or watch movies at my house and cancel more dates than I actually go on but I'm here and plan on staying here until my babies and their babies no longer need me. Well, I might hang out just a little longer to annoy them with errands and diaper changes but right after that and only then will I be ready. OH and please don't think I am dying or anything here, I"M NOT, just my lifestyle. No my lifestyle is napping for a bit.

So my little darlings, go find the warrior in you and get out there and do it already. IT being whatever the hell you want it to be. I have another gallery that will be showing my pictures, so that's a start and maybe just maybe I will finish the book I am writing. Whatever the mystery that lies ahead is I hope its kind but I am buckled up and ready (even if it is in steps like the coloring book that only take me in short steps from dot to dot) The main picture is when all the dots are connected I will have something. . Let me know what you are going for so we can cheer you on.


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