Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not ready for prime time player

Acceptance and reality can be bitter pills to swallow my faithful followers. In my case accepting that now is not the time for a column with my name on it. Although I wish it were I do understand that for whatever reason it isn't going to happen today. Still hanging in there for tomorrow though.

Reassurance and love is what keeps us going. Thankfully today I have photography and the peace that comes from deep inside me when I hold my camera. I don't know why or how but just the touch of my camera brings me comfort. Even in my darkest hours being behind that lens somehow makes me feel like all is well. There is nothing like the rush of capturing a moment that just can't be redone; capturing the person that hates being photographed and having them be OK with their picture, possibly for the first time. There is nothing like looking at the world with the eyes that want to reveal something new in what is seen every day. And the separation it allows when in a situation that is just too hard to bear.

I accept that I am not ready to write my own column and may never be, I am reassured at the mere fact that they were interested in an unknown like me and the reality is I will always have photography because deep inside my soul that is my first love. Maybe one day this unknown will have her name in lights or in this case print but until then I am thankful for the peace I find in my hobby and for the family and friends that pose for me endlessly.

Only time will tell what is in store for us my followers, so glad that you chose to take this ride together.

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