Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Important public facebook notice

To my dear, dear, facebooks parents, aunts and uncles;

Actually let me address this to anyone over the age of 30. Please allow me to help you help yourself. Being the parent or aunt of many older children I am going to list a basic FB (facebook) guideline. For heavens sake people please head the advice here and follow these simple rules or guidelines.

1. Your children do not think its cute when you post pictures of them as little children and make mushy comments about them.

2. If you are friends with them and or their friends, please refrain from commenting on their pictures and status' on a regular basis. Yes, indeed there are a few times where you have some tidbit you may want to add and hell with them, they friended you you friended them and they accepted, that opens them up to our comments from time to time. HOWEVER, please refrain from making cute little comments and basic stalking and commenting like you are one of the kids.

3.  We all love and adore our children; posting your undying love and devotion does not make you a better parent. Yes, birthdays, etc go along with the exception to the rule but we need not advertise their every movement on our status'. For the most part we still live with our kids and  can just turn and tell them in private how proud we are and from what I hear them say they prefer that.
    EXCEPTION to the that rule: if they had a big success, sickness, moved into their own place, became engaged, etc. post away. I just urge you to check with said child and make sure they are ready for the world at large to be privy to this information.

4. Please, please hear me when I say do not post on their love lives. Good or bad, keep it behind closed doors, for the love of God, keep it private. Trust me they do not think its cute that you let everyone know your heart breaks that their heart is broke, etc.

5. The sexy self portraits with the perched lips are not attractive on the young girls what the hell makes you think it looks good when you do it? Seriously,  no matter what the age, you look ridiculous. Do you remember when you were a teen or in your twenties and you would go over your friends house with the "cool" parent? Did you really think they were cool? Not so much, right?  Look we have a right to go out and have fun all I am saying on behalf of what I have heard over and over again is the status' that read oh yeah going and getting hammered/drunk/ladies going wild, etc are laughed at. They don't think we are cool, they think you are silly.

6. When did everyone become a philosopher? Stop with the daily quotes that you don't live by, yes you are well versed, wonderful.

7. We need not know your every move or thought; taking shower, laundry, shopping then picking up kids, cooking, etc; we don't care what you are sick of, who you are mad at, what you are mad at, what you think of the weather, etc. Blogs are for an opinion not status'. I don't want to go on my home page or go to my email account and be bombarded with notifications on everyone that thinks they are saving the world with their every thought and using quotes to get the message out. If someone wants to know what you think they will read your blog and if it doesn't interest them, they will move on. If they liked it, didn't like they will leave a response telling you. Leave a status for mass messages or the from time to time tidbit stories. If you can make us chuckle, by all means write it up on the status.

OK, most of this I am just messing around but to be honest a lot of it not so much. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the younger generation be disgusted with our invasion of FB and what is worse the invasion of their pages with embarrassing parent comments. I too have made these FB mistakes but after being made aware, have made necessary changes. I have been put in my fb place and have stayed there. I do have to say I personally enjoy the people who have a daily kind word or an inspiration start to the day. Its nice to see someone that is upbeat and writing age appropriate status'.

This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the 20 somethings and younger. Stay tuned for the public service announcement that will be addressed to the 20 somethings and younger on behalf of us the "OLD" folks that by the way isn't so old and creeps up on you before you know it. So watch what you say about us because you will be here soon enough.

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