Wednesday, January 19, 2011

this and that

Hey kids,

So I am approaching the "anniversary" of the beginning of this blog. A lot has happened and yet at the same time nothing has happened.

There were some real sad days in saying good bye to my uncle as well as a good friend of my family. I also said good bye to a young girl that was hit by a car and killed. Although I personally didn't know her, I watched her parents say good-bye and wonder how they had the strength to even dress. They were such strong people that I just couldn't help admire and have such heartbreak for. My nephew was a good friend of this girl and I watched this young  child say good-bye to yet another special person in his life. It was hard to see him shed tears yet again. He was asked to be a pallbearer and it made my heart proud to watch him take on such a hard task with strength that he drew only from his sincere love for his friend taken so suddenly and so unfairly. As the days since her death I often think of her parents and wonder how they are and how the siblings of this little girl. There are some things in life that we will never have answers to and this is one that will forever make me question why.

I watched my son take on changes both good and bad (problem with his health) and watched him handle it all as the man that he is. It was hard not to take charge and allow him to do what he needed and make his own decisions. For all you parents of young ones, enjoy the time. I know you have heard this and are very sick of hearing it. As they get older some of  the parenting takes on a new and exciting change, like finally being able to be their friend and get to know them as adults and in turn them getting to know and understand you too are only human. And really getting to know you the person warts and all and really liking each other and enjoy hanging together. I remember one night after a family wedding being at the bar with my son and it just felt so weird but there was part that I enjoyed just being there and getting silly together. However, there is the hard part of no longer being able to hold them on your lap and make their problems go away. Kiss the boo-boo's, know they are safe at all time because they are always with you, even tucking them is no longer needed as they usually go to bed later than you. He is an adult and although it makes me crazy that he doesn't need me to help make decisions or just about anything anymore, I am proud of the gentle, caring, outgoing, talented, motivated man he has become. I pray for his health (as I do for my other children) and pray that he continues to make good decisions and that he has the happily ever after kind of  life.

I do know of some successes from this blog although they weren't able to post on here, trust me they exist. My wish for the next year is that we become more vocal and that many of you share your dreams. The only way this can become a reality is if you let them be known. You never know who might be reading and if they are in a position to help you. Even if nobody is reading and there is no help out there for you, you can make it happen just by being accountable by putting it out there. Don't dream it, folks,, make it happen. I did not as of yet get a column although I came very close and they truly liked my idea. I am still keeping the idea to myself in case I want to pursue another paper. What I can share is my photography although small steps actually did take some steps. I made the calendar with one large picture and one small picture, I have a store that is selling my pictures (2 of which sold.)I still cannot believe somebody walked into that store saw my photograph and bought it, that is so unreal to me. Plus a gallery that chose me as an artist choice and is actually going to hang my picture up in the gallery. Hey, maybe its not the MOMA but it is a dream come true non the less and in my world it might as well be the MOMA. Dare I say, I was proud of myself and it felt good to hear them refer to me as an artist and photographer and told me straight out that I can and should refer to myself as both. What felt great was having both my girls there when I got the news and see them smile when I was told that. Maybe its a sideliner attitude but the fact that they were proud of me means the most. As a lifeliner or lifeliner in training the fact that I had the balls to go to the gallery in the first place is awesome.
Sideliners I beg of you to come off the sidelines and open up and go after your dreams. Even if you do it anonymously (that is on here, eventually you have to say who you are if someone can help you). It doesn't matter how you do it, just do it and allow me or anyone else that may be reading to not only support you but cheer for you. You are the cheerleader and now its your turn to be cheered for.
   In closing I will update you on a few other things discussed over the past few years. Time for TMI on the t.p. issue. I stand by my thought on that its a conspiracy because every time I go in there the t.p. either has only square on NONE. Hello, I have to ask again, do you not see that you left nothing for the next person? OMG, get a new role people!! The laundry for the most part I have been winning but just when I think I won the war, there is the basket that remains "unnoticed", the drink container put back empty, you can really feel the attitude lurking in the air, my childrens voices saying,  " at least I put back". And I definitely lost the battle of bringing the dirty laundry to, I don't know, lets say a HAMPER. Nope not happening although I have not giving up on winning that one too.

Well, this seems to be taking on a life of its own and way too long, so I am going to stop here. I will update more on the year anniversary and truly hoping that I will have something wonderful to report. OK, my followers, lets hear from you already. And not by inboxing me (although that is always OK) but really want to hear from you on here. So lets have it

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