Saturday, July 31, 2010

Random thoughts

Do nice guys really finish last?

That was a question that was kind of asked to me tonight. To be honest, I'm not sure that my answer was accurate, so now I'm up going over it in my head. And I have to say, although I said the opposite of what I am feeling now, I have to say it does seem that we as a whole tend to be nicer to people that aren't kind. Why? I know I asked this in another post some time ago but honestly, why is that?

I didn't think nice guys finished last and that is what my answer was, I think I believe that. Although it does seem the other side of the argument has a pretty good case as well. If anyone is in fact reading this, now would be a good time to chime in. Do nice guys finish last?

On another note, the conspiracy to ensure that I never have more than one square is still going strong. Honestly, I know this is TMI but even when out in public, I check it looks good and to my dismay there really does seem to be a conspiracy.

Maybe it's a trade off for the laundry, which by the way, I seem to be winning. I wasn't really looking for a trade off, I wanted a full out win on something for God's sake but as of now a trade off it is.

On a final more personal note (sounds odd coming from a person that just told anyone reading this about the toilet paper issue) happy anniversary to my wonderful husband. You changed my life for the better the day I met you and continue to do so every day. I am truly blessed to have such a supportive, loving and hard working partner and friend. You have loved me and stood by me through so much. We've definitely been tested more then once but I wouldn't have wanted to go through the stuff with anyone but you. Thanks for the everything, the craziness, the laughs, the getting me and as I already said the support and understanding but mostly the unconditional love that for whatever reason you keep bringing to me. I love you dearly and forever, you 7-11 coffee loving, bad taste in music, squirrel chasing freak. Who also happens to be the one person I'm sure is reading this because you support me in everything I do and God love you, always thinks what I do great. And that is why you are and will always remain my love of a lifetime xoxo

For anyone else reading, sorry I know you want to go vomit right now. My pictures of up in the store, now I hope someone, anyone will buy at least one. Wish me luck, sideliners this is for all of us.

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