Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sideliners....I have news!!!

So, I have news for all us sideliners. My pictures were accepted into a boutique!!! What's more is the owner of the store is going to show them to a gallery. I am in no way saying anyone will buy my pictures or that the gallery will allow them to be hung up but I am so excited. This is so exciting for me, no matter what comes of this, it is a victory for the sideliner in me. I can't believe I had the nerve to actually show my pictures to my friends, let alone a person that would actually critique them honestly. Then to have her actually like them and show them is beyond my wildest dreams.

Which brings me to my point, yes, I do have one other than just boring you with my cheesey yay moment. I set out on Super Bowl Sunday to make a dream come true, that dream of a column didn't come true but I decided that day to do something for me, not my family, not my friends, me. That was a huge step for me and then starting this blog and putting out there for anyone to read made me accountable to keep going. I'd have to keep going if I was going to say to all the other sideliners to follow dreams how could I sit idle? My friends and family know how much I dreamed about having a gallery showing of my "work" but they also know that to me the gallery was going to be my living room. I am doubtful that my pictures will actually be accepted by the gallery although I am praying that they do. That is my secret dream, a real gallery, I can't even wrap my brain around it. I had the whole night planned in my head, what I would wear, who would be there and never for one moment thinking it would really happen. Odds are it won't but I have to tell you how great it feels to know that someone that owes me nothing feels they can and so much so that she is bringing them herself.

Sideliners, no matter what happens, and I will tell you the truth on the outcome, the victory is in the fact that I went outside my safe zone and showed them. No matter what I win. So I have to take it to you now, I put myself out there and no it's your turn. I mean come on, I even blogged about my most personal thoughts on the deaths of my friend and my brother in order to try and move forward in my life. I don't talk about that stuff, that is something I for the most part keep between me and them. I talk to them every day and tell them how I feel but putting it on here is so not who I am.

However, I knew in order to move forward I have to put it all out there and I am trying. Please stay on board with me and do what you secretly desire, I'm here to listen and help and I know others will be pulling for you too. The outcome isn't important, what is important is that you made yourself a priority and that you tried. That is the victory and a victory nobody can ever take away from you. The column doesn't appear to be coming but I've learned after this experience to never say never. Only God knows our outcome but I did also learn that we do have a say in it as well. I will keep you posted on how this goes, if it goes and you please do the same.

To be continued.....

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