Wednesday, August 31, 2011

more followers yay us

Well hot damn kids, we have 2 new followers. You know the drill, everyone say hi to our new sideliners Laura and Laura. Hiiiii Laura squared. So any hidden desires you wish to share with the group? Don't be shy ladies, you have to put it out there for it to happen.

Seriously, thanks for reading and joining in, hopefully if you do have a dream you will share and it will encourage my quiet cherubs to speak up. Thanks again, love you guys. Oh by the way, not sure what this means but my mother said some type of check is in the mail. ;) xoxo

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dash, Dots and the mystery of whats ahead

Hello my little cherubs (OK, Mom)

Its been a little while since I have posted anything but have wonderful lifeliner news that needed to be told. No, not my news but honestly I couldn't be more excited if it were. My friend entered something so outside her comfort zone I don't believe there is even an expression I can use to describe it. She, her sister, brother in law and nephew all entered, ran an conquered the warrior dash. For those of you who may not know what this is, let me explain a little bit to you. You start out running up a 3 mile ski hill, yes that is the start, then you begin obstacles courses such as going through swampy water over logs, rope walls, tire run onto old car wrecks, jump over fire, rope bridge and end the race through a mud pit that has barb-wire going over the top of it. So yes cherubs you have to swim in it. It is the sickest thing, extremely difficult and they all did it. You may be thinking they are nuts, to be honest, I did too and told her so but I have to say watching her do this didn't leaving me feeling they were nuts, it left me feeling impressed and envious. Look I'm too much of a dare I say girly, girl to go all out and swim through that water but I was so impressed. Talk about taking life by the balls and going for something. That is lifelining to the 100 power, no to the infinite power. Maybe you have to see it and to understand but I was there and I do understand.

Those are the moments I keep writing about, the things you desire deep down but don't say because you fear what people will say or worse that you just can't do it. Well, damn who the hell would have thought a year ago that this particular friend would be doing a warrior dash and kicking its warrior dash ass, I might add. had she not just bit the bullet, said it out loud and signed up she would still be wondering what if? Guess what kids, there is no what if here, there is a pride in the knowledge of doing it and being successful. It didn't matter if she finished, did one obstacle or just walked up the first hill, the winning was in the putting herself out there. Of course she did finish and she did do every single part of the race and she will now have that forever. What is even more exciting is the fact that there is more in store for this friend, although I am going to save that for another post. Congrats dear friend, I'm so proud of you!!

Not to take away from this wonderful achievement for my friend but I have to say it did make me realize that my life has been reduced to dots much like those in the coloring books we knew as children. I start out thinking nothing has changed and I can take on the world and then I start to move and realize I can no longer do the things I once did. Yeah, I know who can, right? It's a bit different for me and not sure how much I am ready to write about just yet but the mystery of whats a head for me is a bit scary. Things that recently were easy to do are becoming more difficult with each day and it pisses me off. I can no longer just go to a movie, too hard to sit there that long, take my pictures, camera is too heavy and I hate the enemy (aka tri pod). Yeah, yeah I know it takes a better picture when you use it but I like the feel of the camera and holding it the way I want to. I don't like restrictions, never have. Anyway, getting way too deep here, just trying to say no matter what you are up against, you need to find the warrior in you and keep going. I am not going to let this BS piece of shit tell me what I can and cannot do, I am going to keep going and keep trying. In the meantime I may have to give into using the enemy or watch movies at my house and cancel more dates than I actually go on but I'm here and plan on staying here until my babies and their babies no longer need me. Well, I might hang out just a little longer to annoy them with errands and diaper changes but right after that and only then will I be ready. OH and please don't think I am dying or anything here, I"M NOT, just my lifestyle. No my lifestyle is napping for a bit.

So my little darlings, go find the warrior in you and get out there and do it already. IT being whatever the hell you want it to be. I have another gallery that will be showing my pictures, so that's a start and maybe just maybe I will finish the book I am writing. Whatever the mystery that lies ahead is I hope its kind but I am buckled up and ready (even if it is in steps like the coloring book that only take me in short steps from dot to dot) The main picture is when all the dots are connected I will have something. . Let me know what you are going for so we can cheer you on.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lifeliner news.............and kudos to those that helped me get here

OK, if you are new to my blog you won't really understand the title of this post nor will you get why this is big news. My advice is to just read my very first post and hopefully that will not only explain what this particular blog is about but inspire you to conquer your dreams and hopefully if you need help either myself or somebody reading will be able to assist you. Feel free to post your dreams and any help you may need to obtain your dreams on here. This is for all of us sideliners (again need to read post one to get what this means) to become life long lifeliner.

To my news: I was accepted to a gallery in Huntington this past February. It was very exciting and I was beyond thrilled to have two of my pictures displayed. (Thank you Dad, Mom, Bill, Kevin, Nicole, Keri, Denise, Melanie, Joanie, Norma, Maryann and Julie for going to check it out), you ROCK. It was an artists choice and basically that is just an established artist picks a new artist and their work gets displayed. I felt they were charging too much for my pictures but I didn't care, the fact that they selected me and hung one up on the wall and put one in a bin was so exciting. I was one of only two artists that were invited to use more than one object so that was real exciting.

My news is that one or some (not sure yet) of my pictures I have taken over the years were selected to be in a book on Long Island. The manager of the gallery that I was in gave my name to a woman writing a book and she contacted me and from what I was just told by the gallery manager I am going to be in the book. It won't be out for at least a year (maybe longer) and I have no idea what I am getting out of it just yet. I had to share this with my 5 followers because you will understand why this is so exciting for me and I have you all to thank. I started out as I have written before Super Bowl Sunday a year ago this past January and went from just dreaming about stuff to having it actually happen for me. I didn't get here alone, this I know. My family, Denise and Melanie have pushed me and pushed me hard and I am grateful for their support but it was also putting it on here that helped. As I have said I cannot preach to other sideliners to go for it if I am not listening to those pushing me. My kids and Denise have modeled for me, something that is much harder than it sounds. Especially for Denise, this is not something she is comfortable with but did it anyway and did it for me. Thanks Denise. My girls have modeled more times then I can tell you and believe me they are put through odd modeling shoots with weird make up (Denise had to endure that too one shoot) and it takes a lot of time. So I have to thank them so much for helping me out on that. Mel, you always push me to do things, you believe in me and that means the world to me. So thanks to them and thanks to you for reading so that I am accountable.

I am working on a few book ideas I(one with Denise), one with my girls and one by myself. Not sure if any of these will actually be written and if they are what we will do with them but that is what this whole blog is about. Doing it, whatever it is. Denise, Nicole and Keri will also now being doing something important to them and I am so proud of them for signing on to their own lifeliner moment.

I hope this news will inspire you, the reader, to your own lifeliner moment, if it does, please share either on here or on my FB in a message. I love hearing all the accomplishments you have been making.

Thanks again everyone, I am blessed to have you all in my life. xoxo

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sooooo emotional

The song Landside by Fleetwood Mac is a very special song to me and also makes me extremely emotional  for a very different reason than I am using it right now. I am using it on this post for one line and only one line, "children get older and I'm getting older too".

While looking through various college qualifications, etc for my daughter, which in it of itself is emotional I found articles on one college website of my son. Articles I didn't even know existed and while reading them, I felt pride, of course, but it begin to hit me even more so than usual how fast time is going by. He graduated college 3 years ago already and my next one, my little girl is almost ready to start this chapter in her life as well. I don't know maybe the Royal wedding today isn't helping my emotional situation today. After all, I do remember the groom's parents bringing him home from the hospital. Only to be bringing home my first child a few short years behind them. How is it possible that a child born only a few years before my own could possibly be getting married?

Life is moving by so quickly and there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it. I am thankful that I thought ahead and if any of you are young mothers or possibly new grandparents, heed my advice when I tell you truly enjoy them, enjoy your children. You will have plenty of time when they are older to go out and get your "life back". Don't get me wrong, I did live while my children were growing up but I am grateful that my biggest joy was being with them. I did volunteer at their schools, made time to throw a ball, take a bike ride, color or whatever even when I didn't want to because I knew this time was going to be short lived.  There were outings with other parents I had to miss on occasion, times I wanted them to just watch t.v. or something and leave me alone but chose to play a game with them or whatever instead. Not tooting my own horn here by any means, believe me there were many things I would change if I could but cherishing their youth and my time with them is not one of  them. My youngest is a teen now and my oldest is an adult and my middle child is on the cusp of saying good bye to her childhood as well.  When and how did they grow, each day seems to drag and yet the years fly by so fast I lost track of something between those days that draged and the years that flew. What happened to all those days in between?

Anyway reading those articles on my son, made me feel something I usually keep VERY private and that is my pride for my kids. I am very big on teaching modesty and therefore try to live it. I prefer not to be one those that say, hey, so and so got a such and such or so and so got so many goals, points, A's whatever, I prefer to leave it in the home and tell them personally how proud I am and then hope for it to continue. This time however, I am going to share it only because I am feeling emotional on the thought of another child moving into the next chapter, the adult chapter. I've watched my nieces already take these steps, my son, my nephew will be taking this big step in June and then one more in the line my girl, next year. I think I am taking her being a senior and getting ready to embrace her last year of childhood way more than she is.God this is hard, I just want to braid her hair, put on her matching shoes (this was always a must with her) and take her out to one of the Long Island mansions or parks and just spend the day together. She still does entertain me with mother/daughter days but no longer needs me for shoes and hair, although the poor dear I do offer up my opinion. Why the hell us mother's always go to our daughter's hair and how it could look better is beyond me and why me of all mom's do it is even more beyond my comprehension. I know it's wrong and just plain ridiculous and yet I say geez honey why don't you put it this way or brush it that way. I know what she is thinking because I am thinking the same thing, why don't you just shut up? And honestly, why don't I already?

I guess on that note, I will do just that, shut up now. Just wanted to share my thoughts today for whatever reason. Think I just needed to purge and you lucky kids are the recipients of my breakdown. Parent's love the time while they are young, embrace  and love the journey as they grow and hang on for the adult chapter, its a hard pill to swallow (for some it might be xanax or Valium and hey I'm not mocking you but thinking of joining you); anyway the bitter pill I refer to is the one that allows them to be adults and make the decisions you know are wrong, stay up all night thinking they are dead in the gutter, no longer are at every holiday, don't always have the time to just hang out, etc but they become your best friend, your real best friend because the parenting is over. Not completely of course, I'm just saying when they are young you can't be their friend, you need to set the tone and example for when they reach this very stage. If you are lucky and they listened and life is being kind to them and them kind to their lives, now you can be their friend. It's nice because you no longer have to bark orders, simply sit and advise, just like you would do for your other friends and guess what, most times they hear you now.

I will forever long for the days where my family was young and starting out and each moment was special and new. Each new child breathed a new sense of specialness and love into our family. There is nothing like the feeling of being part of a new family from the very beginning of deciding this is your partner, to the engagement, wedding and then the first child and if you are blessed with a second,  whom you are certain and scared you can't possibly love as much as the first. That is until you feel this little one move for the first time when you are pregnant (kind of making myself a little sick with that line, don't normally talk/write like that but its so true I need to) and finally meet face to face and you find out the emotion of parental love is infinite and can be given to 1 as easily and as happily as, well, the Dugger's.

OK, really going now, going to enjoy my girls before the night is over and I say good-bye to one more of those days that get lost in the years. But not before I sweat out half the night praying that my son makes it home safe from his alumni dinner.

Thank you my cherubs for sitting through another long post that basically just goes on and on. You're the best.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

this and that

Hey kids,

So I am approaching the "anniversary" of the beginning of this blog. A lot has happened and yet at the same time nothing has happened.

There were some real sad days in saying good bye to my uncle as well as a good friend of my family. I also said good bye to a young girl that was hit by a car and killed. Although I personally didn't know her, I watched her parents say good-bye and wonder how they had the strength to even dress. They were such strong people that I just couldn't help admire and have such heartbreak for. My nephew was a good friend of this girl and I watched this young  child say good-bye to yet another special person in his life. It was hard to see him shed tears yet again. He was asked to be a pallbearer and it made my heart proud to watch him take on such a hard task with strength that he drew only from his sincere love for his friend taken so suddenly and so unfairly. As the days since her death I often think of her parents and wonder how they are and how the siblings of this little girl. There are some things in life that we will never have answers to and this is one that will forever make me question why.

I watched my son take on changes both good and bad (problem with his health) and watched him handle it all as the man that he is. It was hard not to take charge and allow him to do what he needed and make his own decisions. For all you parents of young ones, enjoy the time. I know you have heard this and are very sick of hearing it. As they get older some of  the parenting takes on a new and exciting change, like finally being able to be their friend and get to know them as adults and in turn them getting to know and understand you too are only human. And really getting to know you the person warts and all and really liking each other and enjoy hanging together. I remember one night after a family wedding being at the bar with my son and it just felt so weird but there was part that I enjoyed just being there and getting silly together. However, there is the hard part of no longer being able to hold them on your lap and make their problems go away. Kiss the boo-boo's, know they are safe at all time because they are always with you, even tucking them is no longer needed as they usually go to bed later than you. He is an adult and although it makes me crazy that he doesn't need me to help make decisions or just about anything anymore, I am proud of the gentle, caring, outgoing, talented, motivated man he has become. I pray for his health (as I do for my other children) and pray that he continues to make good decisions and that he has the happily ever after kind of  life.

I do know of some successes from this blog although they weren't able to post on here, trust me they exist. My wish for the next year is that we become more vocal and that many of you share your dreams. The only way this can become a reality is if you let them be known. You never know who might be reading and if they are in a position to help you. Even if nobody is reading and there is no help out there for you, you can make it happen just by being accountable by putting it out there. Don't dream it, folks,, make it happen. I did not as of yet get a column although I came very close and they truly liked my idea. I am still keeping the idea to myself in case I want to pursue another paper. What I can share is my photography although small steps actually did take some steps. I made the calendar with one large picture and one small picture, I have a store that is selling my pictures (2 of which sold.)I still cannot believe somebody walked into that store saw my photograph and bought it, that is so unreal to me. Plus a gallery that chose me as an artist choice and is actually going to hang my picture up in the gallery. Hey, maybe its not the MOMA but it is a dream come true non the less and in my world it might as well be the MOMA. Dare I say, I was proud of myself and it felt good to hear them refer to me as an artist and photographer and told me straight out that I can and should refer to myself as both. What felt great was having both my girls there when I got the news and see them smile when I was told that. Maybe its a sideliner attitude but the fact that they were proud of me means the most. As a lifeliner or lifeliner in training the fact that I had the balls to go to the gallery in the first place is awesome.
Sideliners I beg of you to come off the sidelines and open up and go after your dreams. Even if you do it anonymously (that is on here, eventually you have to say who you are if someone can help you). It doesn't matter how you do it, just do it and allow me or anyone else that may be reading to not only support you but cheer for you. You are the cheerleader and now its your turn to be cheered for.
   In closing I will update you on a few other things discussed over the past few years. Time for TMI on the t.p. issue. I stand by my thought on that its a conspiracy because every time I go in there the t.p. either has only square on NONE. Hello, I have to ask again, do you not see that you left nothing for the next person? OMG, get a new role people!! The laundry for the most part I have been winning but just when I think I won the war, there is the basket that remains "unnoticed", the drink container put back empty, you can really feel the attitude lurking in the air, my childrens voices saying,  " at least I put back". And I definitely lost the battle of bringing the dirty laundry to, I don't know, lets say a HAMPER. Nope not happening although I have not giving up on winning that one too.

Well, this seems to be taking on a life of its own and way too long, so I am going to stop here. I will update more on the year anniversary and truly hoping that I will have something wonderful to report. OK, my followers, lets hear from you already. And not by inboxing me (although that is always OK) but really want to hear from you on here. So lets have it

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Important public facebook notice

To my dear, dear, facebooks parents, aunts and uncles;

Actually let me address this to anyone over the age of 30. Please allow me to help you help yourself. Being the parent or aunt of many older children I am going to list a basic FB (facebook) guideline. For heavens sake people please head the advice here and follow these simple rules or guidelines.

1. Your children do not think its cute when you post pictures of them as little children and make mushy comments about them.

2. If you are friends with them and or their friends, please refrain from commenting on their pictures and status' on a regular basis. Yes, indeed there are a few times where you have some tidbit you may want to add and hell with them, they friended you you friended them and they accepted, that opens them up to our comments from time to time. HOWEVER, please refrain from making cute little comments and basic stalking and commenting like you are one of the kids.

3.  We all love and adore our children; posting your undying love and devotion does not make you a better parent. Yes, birthdays, etc go along with the exception to the rule but we need not advertise their every movement on our status'. For the most part we still live with our kids and  can just turn and tell them in private how proud we are and from what I hear them say they prefer that.
    EXCEPTION to the that rule: if they had a big success, sickness, moved into their own place, became engaged, etc. post away. I just urge you to check with said child and make sure they are ready for the world at large to be privy to this information.

4. Please, please hear me when I say do not post on their love lives. Good or bad, keep it behind closed doors, for the love of God, keep it private. Trust me they do not think its cute that you let everyone know your heart breaks that their heart is broke, etc.

5. The sexy self portraits with the perched lips are not attractive on the young girls what the hell makes you think it looks good when you do it? Seriously,  no matter what the age, you look ridiculous. Do you remember when you were a teen or in your twenties and you would go over your friends house with the "cool" parent? Did you really think they were cool? Not so much, right?  Look we have a right to go out and have fun all I am saying on behalf of what I have heard over and over again is the status' that read oh yeah going and getting hammered/drunk/ladies going wild, etc are laughed at. They don't think we are cool, they think you are silly.

6. When did everyone become a philosopher? Stop with the daily quotes that you don't live by, yes you are well versed, wonderful.

7. We need not know your every move or thought; taking shower, laundry, shopping then picking up kids, cooking, etc; we don't care what you are sick of, who you are mad at, what you are mad at, what you think of the weather, etc. Blogs are for an opinion not status'. I don't want to go on my home page or go to my email account and be bombarded with notifications on everyone that thinks they are saving the world with their every thought and using quotes to get the message out. If someone wants to know what you think they will read your blog and if it doesn't interest them, they will move on. If they liked it, didn't like they will leave a response telling you. Leave a status for mass messages or the from time to time tidbit stories. If you can make us chuckle, by all means write it up on the status.

OK, most of this I am just messing around but to be honest a lot of it not so much. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the younger generation be disgusted with our invasion of FB and what is worse the invasion of their pages with embarrassing parent comments. I too have made these FB mistakes but after being made aware, have made necessary changes. I have been put in my fb place and have stayed there. I do have to say I personally enjoy the people who have a daily kind word or an inspiration start to the day. Its nice to see someone that is upbeat and writing age appropriate status'.

This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the 20 somethings and younger. Stay tuned for the public service announcement that will be addressed to the 20 somethings and younger on behalf of us the "OLD" folks that by the way isn't so old and creeps up on you before you know it. So watch what you say about us because you will be here soon enough.