Friday, March 12, 2010

This and That

Announcing my 4th follower..hollar!! Let's get it started in here, let's get it started in har! Thank you Linda for signing on. Feel free to chime in any time. I would warn you that I tend to go off course, A LOT, but you have been the benefactor of many a conversation with me and already know that. Wait what was my point, hahaha. I like to call them my Edith Bunker moments.

I was truly hoping to have a blog that was interactive and that we could help one another reach some goals. I know it's corny but hey once you reach a certain stage in life (not an age a stage) we tend to accept what is; instead what can truly be. I was hoping that this would be a safety zone for everyone to openly announce said wishes and not only receive the peace that comes with setting the dream free but the real dream was that someone here would read it and know of a way to make that possible and so on. I guess you could say a pay it forward kind of thing. Although I have received some very positive feedback I have received only one comment (yay Amy and thank you btw what you said was beautiful). I know blogs are really just the writers voice and not necessarily a conversation but that was my intent.

Not ready to let that go but also facing the fact that I am in the room alone I've decided to break my blog into two parts. Kind of like a fork in the road. One direction will be the sideliners to lifeliners as I am truly trying to improve myself and the other will be called this and that. Basically that will just be my rambles about nonsense and whatever happens to be on my mind. I know very dangerous. Of course everyone is welcome to leave a comment on either but this way when I'm partying alone in my blog room it won't seem so odd. Although I do like to hear myself ramble I'm still not sure about these blogs. I feel like what is the point? Who the hell are we actually talking to and what are you supposed to talk about? I feel like it was created by someone with a major me complex or someone that just wants to chat but not necessarily hear what anyone wants to say. Or is it suppose to be like an open diary? Either way not sure I get it but sticking with the advice of my co-worker I keep writing.

Tonight I am going to lean more to the Sideliners to Lifeliners theme. During work today I was reading a book (yes that is what I do at work, read books, write and basically anything that makes the time move along). Anyway, I only read the first chapter but I have to say it really hit home with me. It was about 2 sisters that were forced to live in a Nazi camp because they were caught trying to help some Jewish people. Anyway, they had decided everyday that they would would say what they are thankful for. Somehow they were able to smuggle in their Bible and one morning Betsie, one of the sisters, read the Bible a verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that said, "Give thanks in all circumstances." Everyday these sisters followed what they read and gave thanks. As it became harder to find things that they were thankful for Betsie began to give thanks for the fleas that were truly eating their bodies. Her sister was appalled by this and yelled at her, "how can you say thank you for the fleas?" Her response was simply God said, "in all circumstances". This is the very short story of their life there but I believe it says it all.

Needless to say, this touched me and touched me deeply. Within the last two days I had received some news that shook me. One about a friend and one about a young boys passing that is only 21 years old. As of this writing I am unable to give thanks for these circumstances but after that reading I needed to find something to give thanks for and I will before nights end.

The only way to move forward is to remain hopeful and as positive as you possibly can in all circumstances. So my fellow Sideliners and hopefully my inspirational Lifeliners here is my thought. Every morning start the day with a thank you note. Find as many things as you can to say thank you for. If you don't believe in God or you are struggling so deeply right now and are not speaking with God, write the note to yourself or someone that you are including in your thanks. You don't actually have to give it the thank you note to anyone it is in the writing of it that is important. This is not a new concept or even my own. Just one that I believe is necessary in order to improve oneself or even to really know true happiness. If you think about it there is some truth in that. Think about how you feel at the first sign of spring. Doesn't a good feeling come over you and you automatically feel more motivated. There is something about the windows being opened and the clear air coming in that makes you want have things in order, go out and walk, play with the kids whatever. How do you feel when someone does a kind gesture for you without reason? The thank you note to whoever is just that a kind gesture only to yourself. The positive mood and joy it will bring knowing that you have something to be thankful for will help start your day in a more empowering way. When you feel joy you don't want to sit still you want either share it, go out, whatever. It truly is empowering and that is the very thing you need to make a fantasy a reality. You need to empower yourself and believe that you are worth the time.

What Betsie and her sister didn't know at the time was the reason she was able to smuggle the Bible and spend all that time there without it being discovered. You see the soldiers routinely searched everyone's very crowded rooms but their room was never not once searched. Reason being was the fleas. The soldiers didn't want to go into the room because it was so over taken with the fleas they didn't want to get any on them. God sent the fleas to protect these girls.

I don't know why their any sick children, I don't know why my friend died of cancer ever let alone so damn young leaving behind young children and family that loves her, and I don't know why my brother had to pass as well. These deaths left and life long outstanding size hole in my heart. I don't know why any child has to face death at such young ages as so many do. I don't know why my two friends have to watch their beautiful babies be sick day in and day out and I don't know why my friend must endure more suffering. And I don't know why my son's friend had to loose his brother to an accident that now leaves his cousin struggling for his life as I write. This week also brought news that my mother's friend will pass any moment and my aunt was rushed into surgery. Although to most of us, especially knowing of this young mans passing it is a death in due time, I feel his wife of 50 years may disagree. I don't know why others, although I wouldn't wish any of this on them, go through life with what seems to the outside pretty much struggle free. I can go and on about things I don't understand, won't understand and will never find the thank you in those circumstances. I will however, try to write my thank you note every day for the blessing that I do have and I sincerely hope you the reader will do the same. My wish for you the reader is that God (yes I still believe) grants you with much to write in your thank you note.

One last thought to leave you with; some are from me some were spoken to me:

Tears were created to teach us compassion.

Fear was created to teach us security

Hate was created to teach us love

Enemies were created to teach us friendship

Sickness was created to show appreciation for health and to gift us the emotion of concern and care for others as well as the power of touch.

It was all created so that we will know the peace, joy and euphoria of heaven. I don't know that I can truly embrace all the sentiments written above tonight but I truly hope that those I love that are suffering tonight whether it be from illness, loss, loneliness or whatever sadness they are feeling are also being given the love, peace, friendship and hopefully very soon the healing. For those that have passed too soon as well as in proper time are embracing euphoric that has been promised in heaven. May you all rest in peace and know that until everyone is together wherever you are, my world heaven but for those who may not believe wherever you feel your loved ones are; here back on earth you are missed greatly.

Sideliners we never know what is around the corner, all you know for sure is right now so lets please help one another make right now as euphoric as can be down here. When you see a tear wipe it, when you know there is loneliness make time and where you know there is a dream help embrace it, don't laugh at it help make it happen.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Ah the thank you. I am thankful for the friend and to the friend that made me have the good ole rib hurts, can't breath, snort out your nose laughs tonight during a phone conversation.