Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In awe

This is just a quick note. I was looking through my friends on facebook tonight and was thinking how in awe I am of so many of my friends. I have three friends that fought breast cancer and won, another that is now battling it and I am confident that he too will be victorious, another that watched her child go a through a kidney transplant and the child that actually had the transplant, his sister and father. Another that has been a single mother for many years and has managed to succeed in her career, bought her own home on her own and gives so much to everyone around her. I have another that just battled an illness with her husband and thankfully they too won their battle. Another raised three girls successfully. They are grown and are all wonderful loving young ladies. Another that is successful, caring and giving and who also bought a home without the help of a man. Another that faces a personal journey everyday and is so loyal to their family and I must say to me as well. One of my friends has always been so supportive of me and although she has a wonderful career as an attorney has always treated me as an equal in business and her friendship has always been unconditional. I have 3 that have lost spouses and yet are raising their children and living their lives with such grace and strength that I can only wish to emulate. I have several children that have already had to face the loss of a parent and yet have totally kept their act together, have not lost their faith nor their love of life. I have another friend that also has a sick child and has been such a wonderful advocate in getting the word out there on her child's disease all while allowing this child a normal life. There is nothing normal about what this child faces everyday and yet she plays sports, participates in plays, goes out with her friends and then the down side goes to doctors, uses breathing machines every day and night and that is just piece of who this young strong girl is. My nephew the child I spoke of before that needed the transplant has also taught me more life lessons than I can even list. He is amazing and strong, sweet and sensitive and I love him beyond any explanation I can give here. He faces every day knowing that more transplants are on the horizon and the only thing certain in his life and the other young girl I spoke of life is there is nothing certain. They just live their life's and wait for a someone to find a cure. These children continue to teach me something new everyday and I adore and look up to them so much. I could go on and on about all these people but I think you get the point. I don't know why this all hit me tonight as this is nothing to new to me. I know their stories but for some reason as I was looking at their pictures tonight and knowing what they have all been through made me realize how very lucky I am to have all these people in my life. I will have to ask you to excuse whatever spelling errors or words that are missing from this or what parts might not make sense I just wanted to write what I was feeling, while I was feeling it. Don't feel like going back and checking for errors. I guess while searching for growth and happiness in these crazy times these are the people that we can all learn from. We all have stories indeed but take the strength from these true lifeliners and don't get stuck in silly ruts, don't' worry about who said what to whom, if you were over looked when people made plans, I'm not calling them because they haven't called me. This stuff is silly, really it is. Who cares what car people are driving or how much or little they may or may not have? It really doesn't matter, living the best life we can with what we were giving is the ticket. At least that is what I'm thinking. Wow, guess it wasn't such a quick post after all. If anyone is reading my blogs and if you stayed with me all the way through this, thank you because the people I am speaking of are worth the time you put in. xoxo Dawn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an amazing tribute to the friends you have surrounded yourself with. As far away as we are, I gain strength from you every day and your words have touched me. Thank you for posting this :o) I am so proud of you! xoxo