Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just sitting patiently, waiting for the world to realize it's my oyster

I am so excited, I now have 2 followers (plus me) that's 3. To you it may not be a lot but to me it's getting crowded in here. Hey, haven't you heard the expression two is company, three is a crowd? Well, thanks to Nick we are now a crowd, a crowd people an honest to God crowd. I know it's a bit premature for crowd control to be called in should we all decide to come out of cyberspace and meet for let say drinks or something but we are on our way.

So as I sit here waiting for my lipstick to kick in thought it might a good idea to use the time to figure out plan B. Not saying in anyway I'm giving up on plan A but I do have to think about the what if; or should I say, reality? What if it never happens, I'm trying to head Kenny Rogers warning and know when to count em and the even more important lesson of knowing when to run........there'll be time enough to count em when the deal is done. I know it is time to run; I know the deal is done but then last night while watching the Olympics a skater gave me a signal. A signal you ask, yes a signal and yes it as for me; the ice skater skated to the song the impossible dream. I'm now thinking oh, " Kenny the deal might not be done just yet". OK, it is but I'm not done yet and what the heck does Kenny Rogers know anyway, have you seen this guys face lately? Hey Kenny, you might want to find another surgeon with all that money you won because obviously your cosmetic surgery deal isn't done either yet.

I know my dream like the song is the impossible dream, really I do know that but I am not ready to accept that. Maybe they just didn't get the memo that I'm now wearing the more expensive and yet very tasteful shade of lipstick. And let us not forget it is sporting the really great brush applicator. Or maybe the world just doesn't know it is my oyster yet. I don't know how long it takes to get the word out.

Non-the-less, time to think of a plan B just in case they did get the memo and the world does in fact know it's my oyster but somehow just doesn't care. So what else, what else do I want to do? Model? Movie Star? Hell, I've been racking up quite a few hours on Farmville, maybe I should buy a farm. This might be yet another great opportunity for y'all to jump on in. Ideas, followers? Sideliners this where you are usually good, we are great at coming up with wonderful ideas and opportunities for everyone else. Anyone?? I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone actually out there so I'm not taking the silence personal or anything, just wishing I had even an idea of a Plan B. When am I finally going to understand the power of lipstick and how to utilize it? I haven't even reapplied it all day. How am I ever going to get any further in life if I don't finally get the concept down?

While I go and get the lipstick for another application as well as an oyster opener (for when the lipstick kicks in and offers start flying in). If anyone wants to chime in here with a plan B or even better something they would like just to share, feel free. As they said on SNL, " talk amongst yourselves".

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