Sunday, February 14, 2010

Put a little lipstick on (only if you shove it when I'm done)

Wow, I have a follower, my first official follower. I am so excited those column haters will be sorry now. I should call them and let them know you might want to jump on the Dawnie bandwagon. Hey fellas she is now not only licious but she has a follower. The fact that she is my friend doesn't matter and the fact that she is always very supportive doesn't count either. She is always honest with me and she liked my post, haha. They'll be sorry now or at least they are going to be sorry if they don't call me soon with that yes, yes, we had no idea how big you are, we must have your column. OK, I guess you have surmised by now that the big maybe didn't turn into the big yes. Its OK though for some reason I'm not totally crushed, I am disappointed but not crushed, weird but I'm actually proud of myself for not only trying, but they actually really did like it as did many others. I must say though no matter who did or who didn't I tried, didn't just talk about it actually tried. The only thing really plaguing me is whether or not I was wearing my lipstick that day.

I'm sure you my tens of hundreds of readers; OK one reader (2 if you count me) might be wondering what the title of this blog has to do with the above rant? Well, nothing really I mean I really don't think lipstick has anything to do with it but apparently lipstick has power....really if you put a little lipstick on things will happen, doors will open, children will heal and I would have received a column. I was unaware of the lipstick power for many, many years but when my kids were younger and I was going through a real hard time of adjusting to being a stay at home mom, I was told, "just put a little lipstick on". OK, WHAT?!?! No, seriously, WHAT?!? Anyway, this is what I was told. To make matters worse when someone very close to me had someone she loved very much in surgery a woman of this certain age advised her as well to apply a little lipstick. In defense of this woman I must add that she did advise my friend to apply a little rouge too but I think that was only necessary because there was a surgery going on.

Back to my dilemma, I can't get off my mind whether or not I was I wearing lipstick that day? You know the big day (the day I handed in the column) If I did have it on, was it the wrong color? Wrong brand? Not expensive enough and if not how dare I expect someone to take me seriously enough to actually give me a column? How could I be so damn careless and just leave the house all willy nilly and lipstick free; column in hand and have the nerve to actually hand it in. By the time I entered the building I should have been reapplying. What was I thinking? As you can clearly see, I've learned my lesson and I've been thinking a lot about this and went out and bought a very nice middle of the road shade lipstick. Seriously I went all out, none of this cheap stuff, I bought the good stuff. I even went as far as to buy the kind with the brush applicator rather than the ones with the cheap sponge. I was going to buy the typical lipstick that you just roll up and apply but I thought the brush applicator might really give me the edge. I thought to myself, hell no if you are going to go for things in life you must not cheap out on the applicator. Dammit Dawn, for once in your life give it your all buy the damn brush applicator.

I have to say though I feel really bad for men though, how the hell are they supposed to move forward in life without the benefit of the lipstick power. This blog was supposed to be a place for everyone. A place for any "sideliner" or "lifeliner" that wanted to improve something about themselves or share could open up and hopefully someone reading might be able to assist them.

I guess I put the question out to the lifeliners that are also those women of a certain age, what about the men? Are they just screwed? People these days have come pretty far in accepting almost anything but I don't know that they are ready for the lipstick wearing man. I don't know for sure, maybe we are but I'm sure there will still be those men like my husband for one that just won't be comfortable. So does this mean between my poor choice in lipstick and his lack of ability to wear it mean we might as well pack it in? Nah, I don't think so. Maybe they could wear chapstick? I guess that could open a whole set of their own problems too, do they need to buy the actual brand chapstick or can it be an alternative? Possibly Vaseline or that Barts bees or whatever the heck it is.

So my fellow bloggers and my follower I leave you with this, go out and buy yourself some lipstick. Make your dream be known, apply the lipstick and conquer the world. I have my lipstick with the brush applicator (going to make Bill wear chapstick) the world is my oyster!!!

****A little side note of thanks to everyone that has given me such wonderful feedback on this silly blog and especially Amy, my first official follower. Thanks everyone and seriously, feel free to post whatever your dream is, maybe someone is reading that can help. A very Happy Valentine's Day to you all*******

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