Sunday, February 7, 2010

So the journey begins

So I need your thoughts on blogs.

Reason I ask is that I am in the process of possibly getting my own column in a newspaper. My own column, who would believe that? Anyway after many back and forth calls to the editor, all of which were positive, I get a big maybe. Needless to say this has been driving me crazy. So, I mentioned it to a co-worker and she said “Hey, don't give up, why don't you blog?” I'm thinking blog? I wasn't really sure if I wanted a blog or not because I didn't know much about them but was leaning against doing it. However, I want this column so bad that I can taste it. Actually, all of those positive calls not only allowed me to taste, but speak of it, OUT LOUD. I knew I was crazy to say it out loud especially because I am not a say-it-out-loud kind of person. I am more of a “think of it silently, and maybe, just maybe share it with a few close people” type of person. So my co-worker told me to rent the movie “Julie and Julia” starring Meryl Streep. And as she walked out the door she looked back at me and said, "Rent the movie and blog." So I did in fact rent the movie and didn't really get the connection to me. Well, yes she blogged, but I didn’t understand the big picture. So here are my thoughts; if this person from Queens can get a movie just from blogging about cooking someone else’s recipes, why can’t I get a small column? I am in no way putting this Julie down, it’s the opposite. I admire her because she is just like the rest of us only she is a true lifeliner.

I am not going to use this blog as a forum for my column, but as more of an outlet for all of us that are ready to be happy, ready to do something for ourselves but not ready to take away from giving to our families or whatever. This will be an interactive blog where the “lifeliners,” as I have now nicknamed them will give hope to us “sideliners.” Now by lifeliner, I mean people who have struggled or have seen hard times in one way or another, but have had a happy ending. Of course these people are not problem free, they are just people like us sideliners who have managed to take life by the balls and say “No, I'm going to win!” Having said that, when I refer to us sideliners, I in no way mean we are lazy or unmotivated people. We are just people more comfortable care taking for others, or sitting on the bleachers cheering for our loved ones. You know who you are­­‑-you define YOUR success by the success of those around you. You may sometimes feel guilty for whatever joy comes your way, and you cannot seem to just say thank you when a compliment is given, or maybe you are a sideliner who has been struck with depression from hard times, life changes, sick children, death of a loved one or whatever(???). This is your turn to be happy and to achieve. It is okay to want for yourself and to be happy and to achieve. Like the woman in the movie, I have no idea if anyone out there is reading this but as she suggested, I'm blogging. Has it really come to this, are we really a generation of people so far removed from one another that we write to cyberspace not knowing if anyone is out there? Well if so, consider this my ticket to board. I hope at the end of this I will have my column but in turn the lifeliners will have started blogs on what they know to help other sideliners like myself find their way. I was speaking to a friend of mine today and I'm hoping that she writes on here with a piece of her story along with a link to her blog where she can help who share her story as she could really benefit from telling her story as well as help many people. I'm hoping that someone struggling to lose weight will write in and let us know of their struggle so we can all motivate each other. From there, they may blog about their journey, the mother that found a new career after her children although still young are more independent, someone that has a talent and not sure where to bring it, you can say on here I can sing, I can draw well and someone will hopefully answer you and say there is this club that meets on such and such a day, join us, or if you are that hard working successful person that is always there to be a friend to all those around you, this is your time to make your dream come true and not just because it pays the bills and you are good at it but because you desire it. Whether it be for a mate, a hobby or a writer yourself, it is your turn. Whatever your story I hope that my blog will give you the courage to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the courage to move forward. In “Julie and Julia” the girl from Queens got her life story written into a movie, and maybe this writer might actually get a column. And you, the reader might actually get your wish. If you are out there and if you desire something, don't hold it in. Let us know and together let’s see what happens. No matter what, in the meantime, we have each other. Look, we all know the country is a mess, we are all broke and scared of tomorrow. We need to dream, we need to have some positive reality. Again, I don't know if anyone is reading this or not, but I surely hope you are and that you respond. Sideliners--state your dreams and lifeliners help us know how to get there and once you arrive how it feels. Here's hoping my ticket to ride isn't a ride to no man's land.


Anonymous said...

Love the idea. Great work! :)

Dawn said...

Thank you so much for you comment. (no this really wasn't posted by me, haha, really I swear). Please feel free not only keep the comments coming but share you dreams and ideas as well. :)

Dawn said...

Wait, Mom did you get a computer??